Southside Gospel Fellowship relies on the prayers and financial support of individuals, churches, and organizations in order to accomplish our mission: to be and make disciples who increasingly love God and others. If you are not associated with Southside Gospel Fellowship but wish to give above and beyond your primary giving to your local Christian congregation and mission, we appreciate your support.
Tithing in the Old Testament is a picture of what proper worship and proper stewardship of God's resources looks like. We believe this example guides us, but is not a mandate for the New Testament Church. We call our members to give-- not by meeting some obligatory percentage, but by gladly sacrificing for the sake of the gospel because Jesus sacrificed for us... and all we have is His!
We believe In:
Giving willingly and generously (2 Cor. 8:3-5; 10-11; 9:7; Gal. 6:9).
Giving strategically (2 Cor. 9:12-15; 1 Timothy 3:15b; 5:17, 18).
Giving regularly/systematically (1 Cor.16:2).
Giving proportionately and sacrificially (1 Cor. 16:2; 2 Cor.8:11-12)